
2025-2027 ECOSCAN: „Eco-Friendly Synthesized Upconversion Fluorescent Carbon Dots as Bioimaging Tools for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis”, The National Centre For Research and Development, 6th Polish-Turkish competition, project leader: Dr hab. Agata Szczeszak

2025-2026 LUMINARE: „Luminescent Rare-Earth-Based Nanoparticles Analysis in Colloids via Single-Particle ICP-MS and Cloud Point Extraction Technique”, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, Polish National Agency For Academic Exchange, Bekker Program, No. BPN/BEK/2024/1/00213, project leader: Dr hab. Agata Szczeszak

2024-2025 „Synthesis of nanoPMMA and its effects on human gut microbes”, Initiative of Excellence – Research University 136/13/SNŚ/0013, project leader: MSc ing. Klaudia Krysiak-Smułek

2024-2029 „Development of new lanthanide-based optical manometers and thermometers working under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature”, National Science Centre Poland, Sonata-Bis grant No. 2023/50/E/ST5/00021, project leader: Prof. UAM, Dr hab. Marcin Runowski

2024-2027 „Luminescent probes of structural phase transitions in optical materials occurring under extreme conditions of high pressure and temperature”, National Science Centre Poland, Sonata grant No. 2023/51/D/ST5/00579, project leader: Dr Przemysław Woźny

2023-2027 „Synthesis of nano- and microplastics labeled with up-converting nanoparticles for its visualization and monitoring in biological materials”, National Science Centre Poland, Opus grant No. 2021/43/B/ST5/00046, project leader: Prof. Tomasz Grzyb

2023-2025 „Sensitive detection and visualization of cancer biomarkers using upconversion nanoparticles excited above 1000 nm”, National Science Centre Poland, Preludium grant No. 2022/45/N/ST4/01168 6, project leader: Dr Natalia Jurga

2022-2026 „Nanoparticles showing persistent up-conversion luminescence – synthesis and characterization of properties”, National Science Centre Poland, Opus grant No. 2022/45/B/ST5/00604, project leader: Prof. Tomasz Grzyb